Readme - data Sea Level Rise (SLR) projections for years 2030-2150 (relative to 2020) for the Mediterranean coasts.
The revised SLR projections in mm are provided on a 0.5°x0.5° geographical grid and at selected tide gauge stations of the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL,
SLR at grid points.
The revised SLR projections are provided in 5 grid and 5 Tlim files in the directory sspXXX_grid and T_Y_grid. Each projection corresponds to one of the revised SSP and Tlim IPCC AR6 scenarios.
Revised RSLR projections are named SL_ssp_name_grid YEAR
1 sigma error for each SL_ssp_name_grid YEAR, are named err_SL_ssp_name_grid_YEAR.
Data in Esri ASCII raster format with a six-row header. ASCII header information:
NCOLS: number of cell columns NROWS: number of cell rows
XLLCORNER: X-coordinate of the origin in degrees (by lower left corner of the cell) YLLCORNER: Y-coordinate of the origin in degrees (by lower left corner of the cell) CELLSIZE: Cell size in degrees
NODATA_VALUE: Default is -9999.
SLR at selected PSMSL stations.
The revised SLR projections in mm at the selected PSMSL stations are in the directories. Projections_PSMSL where each SLR projection corresponds to one of the revised SSP and Tlim IPCC AR6 projections named SL_ssp_name_PSMSL_YEAR
Data are ascii file with the extension .txt, Latitude (lat) and Longitude (lon) of the station SL (mm), err_SL (mm), are provided.
SLR at grid points.
The VLM rates in mm are provided in the directory VLM_grid and named vlm_grid. 1 sigma error for VLM rates are provided in the directory VLM_grid and named
How to cite data of Data Sea Level Rise (RSLR) projections for years 2030-2150 (relative to 2020) for the Mediterranean coasts
Antonio Vecchio, Marco Anzidei and Enrico Serpelloni. Sea level rise projections up to 2150 in the northern Mediterranean coasts. Environmental Research Letters, 2023. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad127e