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Αυτή η ενότητα είναι διαθέσιμη μόνο στα Αγγλικά και η μετάφρασή της είναι αυτόματη

image8Maria Lucia Trivigno is member of the Work Package WP6 that addresses the improvement of the SAVEMEDCOAST-2 online mapping platform to share information on flooding scenarios.

She is the Director of the Center of Integrated Geomorphology for the Mediterranean Area (CGIAM) since 2012.  

She is the responsible of the coordination and financial management of national and international projects covering the sectors of innovation, environment and prevention of natural risks.


She is also specialized in project design, management and monitoring of international cooperation projects. Moreover, she is specialized in the defining, structuring and implementation of Geographic Information Systems based on ESRI technology.





image18Antonio Falciano is member of the Work Package WP6 that addresses the improvement of the SAVEMEDCOAST-2 online mapping platform to share information on flooding scenarios.

He is the manager of the webGIS platform of the project.

He is a Geomatics expert for the Center of Integrated Geomorphology for the Mediterranean Area (CGIAM) since 2018.

He graduated from the University of Basilicata with a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering in 2002, then he earned a master in Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing in 2007. He has over 15 years of experience as a consultant for professional firms and public administrations both in the civil and environmental engineering and geospatial technologies fields, gaining additional skills such as software and geospatial applications development by using and contributing to open-source projects. In fact, he was an active contributor of the SEXTANTE spatial data analysis library and gvSIG desktop in the last decade. He usually deals with spatial data analysis and elaboration, remote sensing data processing, design and implementation of environmental modelling and webGIS development.
